BMH Med. J. 2024; 11(2):31-34.   Brief Review

Revolutionizing Healthcare with Generative AI       

Bijoy Johnson

Consultant in Healthcare Data Analytics, Baby Memorial Hospital, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

Address for Correspondence: Bijoy Johnson, MBBS, MD, MS (ML&AI), Consultant in Healthcare Data Analytics, Baby Memorial Hospital, Kozhikode, Kerala, India. E- mail:


Great number of technological advances have occurred in the field of data science during the past decade. Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the healthcare system [1]. AI tools can support healthcare personnel in administrative workflow, clinical documentation, image analysis and patient monitoring [2]. Among the several applications of AI in healthcare, generative AI, capable of generating new data such as text and images, has emerged as a transformative tool in healthcare.  Generative AI technologies offer the promise of revolutionizing medical research, disease diagnosis and patient care leading to improved health outcomes. Generative AI applications can make healthcare delivery more efficient and effective. Generative AI is a class of machine learning technology that can generate new synthetic data by learning the data distributions from real data [3]. Generative AI-based models facilitate streamlining of the clinical workflow, which leads to improvement in health care [4].

Generative AI Models

Generative adversarial networks and large language models are the two generative AI models, which are popular in the healthcare industry.

Generative Adversarial Networks

Generative adversarial networks consist of two neural networks, a generator and a discriminator, that compete against each other. The generator creates data that looks real, while the discriminator evaluates the authenticity of the data. This competition drives the generator to produce increasingly accurate data instances. Synthetic data, created by neural networks, can retain the statistical relationships of real data and it will offer privacy protection. Generative Adversarial Neural Networks have the capability to model complex real-world image data [5].

Large Language Models

Large language models are powerful generative AI models that are important in various natural language processing tasks. It is a powerful tool for sequence prediction tasks. The model learns to predict the next word in a sentence, if the previous words are given. Large language models can perform many language processing tasks and these models can be used to generate summaries of text. Large language models enhance data management, information retrieval and decision-making processes in healthcare industry [6]. The integration of large language models into medical education can elevate the knowledge and competence of the students [7].

Recent Advancements in Generative AI

The field of generative AI has witnessed remarkable advancements, driven by methodological innovations. Deep transfer learning merges the superiority of deep learning in feature representation with the merits of transfer learning in knowledge transference. This synergistic integration propels deep transfer learning to the forefront of research [8].

Applications in the Healthcare Industry

Technological innovation has become an integral aspect of healthcare industry. Generative AI helps in prioritizing administrative tasks based on urgency. Generative AI can streamline the appointment scheduling process by automating the booking and optimizing available time slots. Generative AI helps in automating documentation tasks, such as updating patient records. It will reduce the administrative burden on healthcare professionals. Generative AI can extract relevant information from various sources. It will minimize manual data input and enhance the accuracy of healthcare databases. AI-powered chat bots can handle routine inquiries, appointment reminders, and follow-ups. This will allow healthcare staff to focus on more important aspects of patient care.

Deep Learning and Medical Image Analysis

Machine learning has witnessed significant attention all over the world during the last decade, when deep artificial neural networks began outperforming other established models in many important benchmarks. Developments in deep learning have a huge potential for medical image analysis. Deep neural networks are now the state-of-the-art machine learning models for image analysis [9]. Novel deep learning techniques are predicted to be the core of future analysis of medical images [10]. In radiology, artificial intelligence has important role in case interpretation [11]. Deep learning is increasingly used in radiology. Deep learning methods are effective in classifying images and detecting pathological lesions [12]. Deep convolutional networks are actively used for medical image analysis which includes abnormality detection, disease classification and computer aided diagnosis [13]. Generative AI helps to enhance the quality of medical images and aid in more accurate diagnoses. Generative models can be trained to generate high-resolution images from lower- resolution inputs. Generative adversarial networks have opened several ways to solve challenging histopathological image processing problems such as colour normalization and image enhancement [14]. Generative AI can contribute to identifying pathological conditions, supporting early diagnosis and intervention. Generative models can synthesize images of organs, which help in training medical professionals. By generating insights from medical imaging data, generative AI can support healthcare professionals in the decision-making processes.  

Generative AI in Precision Medicine

Precision medicine uses information about an individual's genomic, environmental, and lifestyle information to guide decisions related to their treatment [15]. Precision medicine provides healthcare interventions to patients based on their disease profile, diagnostic information and treatment response. This method of treatment takes into consideration the genomic variations and other contributing factors such as demographic data, immune profile and metabolic profile. Machine learning algorithms are used with large datasets such as electronic health records to provide the correct treatment strategy. AI models are used for integrating multi-omics data and electronic health records for precision medicine [16]. By analysing patient-specific data, including genomics and proteomics, generative AI can support the development of personalized medicine approaches, tailoring treatments to individual patients. Generative AI can assist in identifying biomarkers associated with specific diseases, aiding in the development of targeted therapies. 

Generative AI in Medical Research 

Generative artificial intelligence has the ability to generate summaries of highly technical scientific texts. The information obtained from generative AI should be verified for accuracy before use [17]. Generative AI can quickly analyse large amounts of medical data, automating data extraction. This will help the researchers to concentrate on more critical aspects of their work. Generative AI can summarize medical documents, providing concise data for researchers. This aids in faster decision-making, while dealing with extensive medical literature. Generative AI utilizes the analysis of extensive datasets to examine trends within medical research. This capability will enable researchers to remain up-to-date with the most recent advancements.


Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming the healthcare industry by bringing unprecedented tools for patient care. The time-saving measures provided by generative AI allow healthcare professionals to focus more on providing better patient care. New healthcare technology trends are constantly emerging to meet the needs of healthcare organizations. By accelerating personalized treatment plans, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and generating synthetic data for research, generative AI is paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in healthcare industry.


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