Digital Wellness - Essential for Children

  • Beena Johnson Department of Child Guidance, Baby Memorial Hospital.


The digital revolution is evolving at an overwhelming pace and there is explosion of digital technology facilities in this modern world. The recent advances in technology in the fields of communication, education and health are indeed amazing. Digital wellness incorporates all aspects of a person’s wellbeing with regard to information technology. This includes propensity to search for information online, intensity of use of devices, response to device notifications, patterns of multitasking, posture, screen time and the behaviour during use of devices.
A person’s digital wellness signifies how safely and healthily, that individual relate to digital technology. Digital wellness involves the measures aimed at regulating the scientific use of technology, in order to maintain good physical and emotional health in the digital world. It also involves working responsibly in digital environments, as well as maintaining a balance between offline and online life of the individual. Cyber-psychological approach is needed to the use of technology in healthcare. Use of wellness technologies positively influence wellness motivation and help people to learn more about their own digital-wellness related behaviour.
How to Cite
JOHNSON, Beena. Digital Wellness - Essential for Children. BMH Medical Journal - ISSN 2348–392X, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 1-4, dec. 2020. ISSN 2348-392X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 may 2024.

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